Frequently Asked Questions
Morgan’s MAC offers a pre-screening process to determine if our services are a good fit for you. This involves completing a short Pre-screening form that gathers information about your needs. You can start this process by calling 210-817-3935 or visiting Morgan’s MAC in person.
Morgan’s MAC serves people of all ages who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities or with a history or claim of disability that live in Texas.
We work with individuals of all ages. There are no income requirements to receive Navigation services. Our MAC Members are members as long as they continue receiving Navigation services at Morgan’s MAC.
We welcome individuals with special needs of all ages. A special need does not disappear once someone becomes an adult. In fact, there are many times more challenges for individuals with special needs once they become adults.
- Assign clients a Navigator to be their guide and partner
- Connect clients to partner organizations that are part of the MAC at Morgan’s Wonderland Care Model™
- Provide clients with many on-site services
- Track the care plan of the client
- Empower the client with knowledge and information to improve wellness
- Provide clients with a sense of community and belonging
- Just as importantly, we must underscore what Morgan’s Multi-Assistance Center (MAC)™ will not achieve:
- Medical miracles:
- We will have an excellent care model, facilities and staff, but we don’t promise any medical miracles. Morgan’s Multi-Assistance Center (MAC)™ will connect individuals with special needs to services and resources they need through an innovative model in order to make it easier for them to navigate their daily lives. It is unreasonable to assume medical miracles, although having integrated and coordinated services should improve the overall wellness of an individual with special needs.
- Getting all the services needed/speeding up processes:
- There may be some services that have long wait lists (for example, Medicaid waiver programs or access to some medical sub-specialists). Morgan’s Multi-Assistance Center (MAC)™ does not control how these outside-funded programs or services operate and will not enhance the capacity of these services to expedite enrollment, but we will connect clients to information they require about the services offered. We will also have representatives of many of these services on-site so clients can get their questions answered and so service providers can hear directly from clients.
- Medical miracles:
A Medicaid Waiver offers services that are typically not covered under basic Medicaid coverage. Services may include respite care, attendance care, home modifications, residential options, adaptive aids, camp, specialized therapies, habilitation, etc.
- Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
- Medically Dependent Children’s Program (MDCP)
- Home and Community Services (HCS)
- Community Based Alternative (CBA)
- Deaf/Blind Multiple Disability (DBMD)
- Texas Home Living (TxHmL)
- Star-Plus Waiver
CLASS provides home and community-based services to people with related conditions as a cost-effective alternative to placement in an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or a related condition. A related condition is a disability, other than an intellectual disability, that originated before age 22 and that affects a person’s ability to function in daily life. Learn more about CLASS here.
MDCP provides services to support families caring for children and young adults age 20 and younger who are medically dependent and to encourage de-institutionalization of children and young adults who reside in nursing facilities. MDCP provides respite, flexible family support services, minor home modifications, adaptive aids, transition assistance services, employment assistance, supported employment and financial management services through a STAR Kids managed care organization. Learn more about MDCP here.
HCS is a Medicaid waiver program that supplies services and supports to Texans with an intellectual disability or a related condition so that they can live in the community. HCS services are intended to supplement rather than replace services received from other programs, such as Texas Health Steps, or from natural supports, including families, neighbors or community organizations. Learn more about HCS here
This program provides home and community-based services to people who are elderly and to adults with disabilities as a cost-effective alternative to living in a nursing home. Learn more about CBA here.
DBMD provides home and community-based services to individuals with deaf blindness and another disability as a cost-effective alternative to an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions. The DBMD program focuses on increasing opportunities for individuals to communicate and interact with their environment. Learn more about DBMD here.
TxHmL is a Medicaid waiver program that supplies essential services and supports to Texans with an intellectual disability or a related condition so that they can continue to live in the community. TxHmL services are intended to supplement rather than replace services received from other programs, such as Texas Health Steps, or from natural supports, including families, neighbors or community organizations. Learn more about TXHML here.
This program provides home and community-based services to people who are 21 years old or older with disabilities as a cost-effective alternative to living in a nursing home. Learn more about Star-Plus here.
Welcomes MAC Member and engages in purposeful discussions to obtain key information from MAC Member and/or caregiver to complete MAC Care Plan. Completes all documentation and authorizations in the MACNav™ System. Provides guidance to The MAC Member on how to utilize MAC services and to facilitate coordination. The MAC Navigator serves as the single point of contact to facilitate communication and services among MAC Members, MACer, Caregiver and family. A MAC Navigator will meet with a MAC Member to complete the NMDOH assessment at the initial visit to determine if there is an area of need in any of those environments and develop an individualized MAC Care Plan to help a MAC Member/Family address all